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Fabio Benetti

Contrary to the extreme rigor and logic required by his former profession as a tax attorney, painter Fabio Benetti has long been known in the painting world for being self-taught. The impetus or natural impulse of his internal and external personality - chance taking the role of a sensorial compass in guiding his lines - is added to the classes he has attended and completed, mostly geared towards contemporary art. Chance is also where creation and the mix of his vibrant and tense colors emerge onto the screen, where they clash. There is no pre-established sketch and no theme is stipulated beforehand. Everything is configured and jumbled at the time of creation, at the mercy of the painter's fickle mood.

This process also pervades the compulsion with which Benetti aspires to experience the most sincere and abrupt feelings that speak, and speak exclusively, to the human soul – oftentimes inexpressible for this reason, causing him to throw new colors against each other in a free and flowing dance of wavelengths. It is as if the palette that makes up the various shades of his paintings were blood dripping from his veins after he has stabbed himself with the brush, tearing off his own skin and leaving a space, an opening, through which his soul can then communicate with the outside world.

Being the adviser of an artist like Fabio Benetti is a constant exercise in empathy and affection. Hard work observing and conversing is needed to envision, distinguish and separate technique, form and content in the works of this wonderful alchemic creator.
There is energy in every decision. An emotional energy encased in chemical reactions and elements. I found early on that formatting, or rather, systematizing, formulating and taming Fabio Benetti`s creative process in benefit of a more detailed and rich dialog would mean killing his creativity, inhibiting his art and not helping him to progress.
So I became an adviser-sower of concepts. I patiently waited so that each seed was not stunted. That they would all germinate, even if time always depended on the "fertile earth" of this dear artist. Yet, it is a joy to see such an abundant harvest.

Raul Boledi

2021 Fabio BenettI

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